Housing Authorities
Provides housing assistance to low income residents through the management of the areas Housing Choice Voucher Program-Section 8.
1201 Spruce St., Ellis
1709 Sunset Dr., Hays
612 Grant St. Terrace, Victoria
Habitat for Humanity of Ellis County, Inc.
P.O. Box 444, Hays
Offers safe, decent, affordable housing and homeowner repair services to low-income individuals and families. Low-cost building materials and furnishing available at our ReStore.
Housing and Credit Counseling
Reviews your current financial situation and determines the best strategy to deal with concerns you may have.
Kansas Legal Services
2017 Vine St., Hays
Non-Profit laws firm that focuses its efforts on individuals such as victims of domestic violence, homeless elderly, individuals with disabilities and individuals that need basic assistance in consumer and housing and family law issues.
LINK, Inc. (Living Independently in NW Kansas)
2401 13th St., Hays
Provides services to individuals of all ages with any type of disability. Services include but not limited to: Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Peer Support, Advocacy, Transition Services, Financial Management Services, Housing Referrals and Durable Medical Equipment Loan Pool.

Options: Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, Inc.
2716 Plaza Ave., Hays
Provides emergency shelter, transportation, crisis counseling, legal and social advocacy, support groups, community education, and information and referral for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking violence.
USDA Service Center-Rural Development
2715 Canterbury Dr., Hays
Provides loans to people to purchase homes in rural areas.
Western Kansas Association on the Concern of the Disabled (WKACD)
105 E. 27th St., Suite A, Hays
Provides outreach services to individuals in the Ellis County area. They provide Social Security services, Representative Payee services, job services through Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and medical assistance.
Salvation Army
205 E 7th St. Ste. A, Hays
Assists homeless veterans or veterans at risk of homelessness with housing, utilities and other services.
Senior Housing Options
Income based housing for senior citizens.
Centennial Towers
2502 Sherman, 785-625-6242
Epworth Towers
2800 August, 785-628-6825
Hays Plaza Apartments
1005 W. 28th, 785-628-2660
Wyndam Place Senior Residences
2734 Hall, 785-625-5757
Assisted Living Centers
1801 E. 27th St., 785-628-1111
Homestead of Hays
2929 Sternberg Dr., 785-628-2116
Via Christi Village
2225 Canterbury Dr., 785-628-3241
Low-Income Housing Options
Briarwood Place Apartments
2800 Canal Blvd., 785-623-4252
Epworth Village
2700 Epworth St., 785-628-2116
Golden Plains Apartments
2105 E. 21st, 785-625-2193
Sundance Apartments
1311 E. 33rd St., 785-628-2922
Sunrise Apartments
1709 Sunset Trail, 785-625-1188