Employment Connections (DSNWK)
600 Commerce Parkway, Hays
Works with individuals with disabilities to find employment which matches their skill and preferences with employer needs.
Work Hays
Hays Workforce Center (KANSASWORKS)
332 E. 8th St., Hays
Provides employment services for individuals and employers. Other services include workshops, assessment services, proficiency tests, veteran services and information on how to file for unemployment insurance. All services are free.
LINK, Inc. (Living Independently in NW Kansas)
2401 13th St., Hays
Provides services to individuals of all ages with any type of disability; Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, peer Support, Advocacy, Transition Services, Financial Management Services, Housing Referrals and Durable Medical Equipment Loan Pool.

Options: Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, Inc.
2716 Plaza Ave., Hays
Provides emergency shelter, transportation, crisis counseling, legal and social advocacy, support groups, community education and information and referral for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking.
SER-SCSEP/Jobs for Progress Nation., Inc.
205 E. 7th St. Ste. 103, Hays
Senior Community Service Employment Program. They serve seniors who are 55 and older.
SER Corporation
1008 E. 17th Ste. 7, Hays
SER stands for Service, Education, and Re-Training. Offers Kansans job readiness skills, relevant job training, education, housing and more.
Western Kansas Association on the Concerns of the Disabled (WKACD)
105 E. 27th St., Suite A, Hays