Herndon Speech, Language & Hearing (FHSU)
600 Park St., Hays
Provides high-quality, comprehensive evaluation and treatment programs in speech, language, and hearing.

Hays West Central KS Special ED Copperative
323 W. 12th., Hays
Provides special education services to all students who are eligible for special education and gifted services between the ages of 3 to 21
LINK, Inc. (Living Independently in NW Kansas)
2401 13th St., Hays
Provides services to individuals of all ages with any type of disability. Services include but not limited to : Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Peer Support, Advocacy, Transition Services, Financial Management Services, Housing Referrals and Durable Medical Equipment Loan Pool.
The Hearing Center
2705 Vine St. Ste 3, Hays