Catholic Charities
112 E. 12th St., Hays
Provides treatment to help the family move toward more balanced an functional interaction. Also provides adoption services and offers The Pregnancy Maintenance Initiative (PMI) program which is focused on helping you deliver a healthy, full-term baby.
Dept. for Children and Families (DCF)
2250 E. 22nd St., Hays
Provides a number of programs including Food Assistance, Child CAre and Child Support Services, LIEAO Program, REhabilitation SErvices and Protection and Prevention Services.
Ellis County Extension Office
601 Main St., Hays
Provides non-formal education to family members or those person who teach and support families.
Healing Hearts/Grief Support
103 E. 27th St., Hays
Provides an opportunity to connect with other parents and family members who have lost a child. Meets every 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm.

High Plains Mental Health
208 E. 7th St., Hays
Offers parental support and trainings designed to provide education, assistance, and other support to parents and families.
LaLeche League of the Western Plains
Provides mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, education, and better understanding of breastfeeding. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10 am. Please call for location.
MOMS Club of Hays
Provides support for mothers who choose to stay home and raise their children.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
2000 Main St., Hays
For all mothers who are pregnant or have nay children kindergarten age or younger. Meets on the 2nd Saturday of the moths, September through May from 9:30-11:30
Natural Family Planning
1805 Vine St., Hays
Provides classes in Natural Family Planning Ovulation Method and the Creighton Model, helping couples know their fertility to plan their family, to avoid or achieve pregnancy. This method also helps with the woman's gynecologic health.

Post Partum Resource Center of Kansas
Offers services to improve the emotional well-being of families before and after the birth of a child.
Parents and Children Together (PACT)
2501 E. 13th St., Hays
Provides educational opportunities to improve the lives of children and reduce the occurrence of child abuse and neglect in Ellis County. PACT sponsors the "Ten Steps to Positive Discipline" parent education class four times a year.
Turning Point
1301 Oak St., Hays
Offers counseling services for families and children as well as Parenting Skills Classes.
St. Francis Community Services
3000 Broadway, Hays
Helps families through the adoption and foster parenting process.
205 E 13th St. Ste. B, Hays