Cancer Council of Ellis County
701 Riley., Hays
Provides financial assistance and nutritional supplements to people with cancer in Ellis County.
Catholic Charities
112 E. 12th St., Hays
Provides emergency assistance with eviction notices and utility disconnect notices as well as help with prescriptions and bus vouchers.
Children's Miracle Network
Provides assistance for travel to appointments or medical equipment not covered by health insurance for children.
Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Inc.
1201 Walnut, Salina, KS 67401
Provides education and counseling on personal budgeting and the wise use of credit to families and individuals.
First Call For Help
607 E. 13th St., Hays
Provides individuals/families who are in crisis situation with vouchers for financial assistance for such needs as food, rent and utilities.

Hays Lions Club
Free vision screening for Daycare and Preschools, recycling of old glasses and financial help to purchase glasses.
Harvest America
205 E 7th St. Ste. 120, Hays
Provides services for Housing, Food and Nutrition, Employment, Education and Emergency Services.
Kansas Legal Services
2017 Vine St., Hays
Non-Profit law firm that focuses its efforts on individuals such as victims of domestic violence, homeless, elderly, individuals with disabilities and individuals that need basic assistance in consumer and housing an and family law issues.
LINK, Inc. (Living Independently in NW Kansas)
2401 13th St., Hays
Provides services to individuals of all ages with any type of disability; Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Peer Support, Advocacy, Transition Services, Financial Management, Housing Referrals and Durable Medical Equipment Loan Pool.
Options: Domestic & Sexual Violence Services, Inc.
2716 Plaza Ave., Hays
Provides emergency shelter, transportation, crisis counseling, legal community education, and information and referral for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking violence.
Salvation Army-Service Extension
205 E. 7th St. Ste. A, Hays
Provides short term financial services not limited to rent, utilities, vision, prescriptions, food, fuel and medical needs.
USDA Service Center-Rural Development
2715 Canterbury Dr., Hays
Provides loans to people to purchase homes in rural areas.
Western Kansas Association on the Concerns of the Disabled (WKACD)
105 E. 27th St., Suite A, Hays